
255 incl. VAT / tax.

📦 Last Day for Delivery Before NYE! Order Now!
Today is the final day to get your order delivered before New Year’s Eve! Place your order now, and we’ll ship it out the same day—guaranteed to arrive before the celebrations! Don’t miss your chance to start the New Year with everything you need on time!

Cheers to the New Year from PyroZeus!
  • 4
  • 300
  • 100
  • 30
  • 1020/540/265
  • 0,157
  • 1/1
  • 42,70
tropic pyrozeus


Effect: Part A: 
Golden swim blast red pear; golden swim blast purple green pearl; silver swim blast orange and lemon peony with white strobe; silver swim blast pink and sea blue peony with white strobe; white blast white strobe with red dahlia pistil; red blast red strobe with green dahlia pistil; green blast green strobe with purple dahlia; blue blast gloden strobe with blue dahlia; red blast crackling with red wave pistil; blue blast blue to red with time rain; red spit red leaves with crackling pistil; green spit green leaves with crackling pistil; yellow spit yellow leaves with crackling pistil; silver spinner.
Part B:
Brocade crown king; silver crackling chrys; red leaves with blue pistil; green leaves with blue pistil; flashing time rain willow with red pearl; silver spinner; blue blast golden wave dahlia with blue pearl; blue blast red strobe pistil brocade crown king with blue pearl; red crossette; green spit green leaves with purple pistil and crackling pistil; red blast white strobe with red coco pistil; blue blast flashing time rain willow with blue pearl.